Back to School Video

Posted: October 1, 2020

This back-to-school season, some students are returning to school in person, others are continuing remote learning, and still others have a hybrid situation. All of this uncertainty comes with a lot of feelings: worry, fear, anxiety, stress, and maybe excitement, too. If you're learning from home, it helps to stick to a version of your old routine: sleeping and eating at regular times, and getting some exercise. If you don’t have an assigned schedule, set one up yourself. One strategy to tackle your work and stay motivated is to set SMART goals: ones that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. Also, try adopting a growth mindset, believing that improvement is possible with practice and hard work. For students returning to the classroom, be prepared for new safety measures, including rules about social distancing and wearing masks. Help keep your community healthy by washing your hands frequently and staying home if you feel sick. It's normal to be struggling with big emotions these days. It can help to journal, to talk to a friend or counselor, and to practice mindful meditation and gratitude.