Posted: April 13, 2017
Students built the intelligent desk light from the mBot Interactive Light & Sound add-on pack. Not only will it turn on by voice activation, it also is touch sensitive.
Posted: April 13, 2017
Students built the intelligent desk light from the mBot Interactive Light & Sound add-on pack. Not only will it turn on by voice activation, it also is touch sensitive.
Posted: April 13, 2017
Students built the Scorpion robot using the mBot Interactive Light & Sound add-on pack. The robot can be easily controlled using the Makeblock app for the iPad.
Posted: April 3, 2017
The Superior Middle School Rotary Interact students launched their Barkers Dozen entrepreneurship project at the Southern Comfort Villa on March 29. The seniors at the Villa will be assisting the students with baking and selling dog biscuits to the general public.
Posted: February 28, 2017
SMS students - registration is now open for the first Superior Middle STEM Night that takes place on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 from 5-7 pm. Limited seating is available and students must register online.
Posted: February 28, 2017
Some highlights from the Maker Club, a new 2-3 activity that takes place on Wednesdays in the Superior Maker Space.
Posted: February 28, 2017
A few students were selected to participate in the January/February e-pod that was offered in the Maker Space. The group explored, built and experiemented with various tools and technologies that were available to them at the time.
Posted: February 28, 2017
Superior Middle School students are invited to participate in the launch of the Superior STEM Nights hosted by our ASDN STEM team. Our STEM nights will be an opportunity for students to explore STEM in a fun and engaging environment.
Our first STEM Night will take place on Tuesday, March 14th from 5PM to 7PM in Mrs. McLellan’s room. During this time, students will explore Scratch as an arcade game building platform and use a Makey Makey to design a game controller.
Supper will be provided to students and teachers of Superior Middle School that participate in the event. We would also love to have any interested teachers involved. Seats to this event are limited to the first 20 students that register.
Registration link:
If you have any questions, please contact Lesa Scott, Maker Space Teacher Lead.