Blue Team Homework

Posted: May 20, 2014


Mon, May 19/14 9:00 pm
Agendas Å  Read from LC book – discussion tomorrow *have good copy* and have quarter number, title of novel, and role in piece *edit carefully* Å  French- projet finale due June 6th and reading log due Friday Å  7IMM-pg.273 #2 and test Thursday Å  Dave-pg.289 #1 Å  8IMM-pg.331 #6,7 Å  Cindy-pg.364 #9,11 finish sheet Å  6IMM- test Thursday Å  Year end trip money- $150 by the end of May Å  Year end dance tickets $5/6 with no student fee Å  Music RAFA- sheet due tomorrow Å  Art RAFA- ideas…