blue team agendas (Monday)

Posted: April 4, 2016

Due Date: 

Monday, April 4, 2016


·      Read

·      Seminars

·      LA- 20 mins on graphic organizer for fairytale

·      French- read a fairytale in french(pif-read the fairytale given to you and underline any words that you don’t understand)

·      Math 7- pg. 229 #’s 3-6 pg. 236 #’s 1-4

·      Math 8- finish sheet for tomorrow

·      Dance- practice for PE

·      Art- doodle on one page(have to  have a journal and sketch book by tomorrow)

·      Shop- work on cover page and essay

·      Science fair- 5 pages due before April 8th

math comp ask parents for those who made it