Posted: December 5, 2019
- Lecture: Les Volcans
- Livre accordéon
- PIF: Pop-up book
- Parent meeting about trip Thursday Dec 12th @ 6;30
Posted: December 5, 2019
Posted: December 2, 2019
1. Lecture
2. Read
3.Mme Kenny Math: 15 minutes
4. Parent grade 8 trip meeting : Dec 12th @ 6h30
5. Livre accordéon
6. PIF: Livre pour 1e (online)
Posted: November 29, 2019
1. Read-Lecture
2. Mme Kenny Math: 15 minutes IXL
3. FI: Livre accordéon
Posted: November 26, 2019
1. Lecture - Read
2. Mme Kenny Math: 15 minutes
3. French PBL: Pop-up book
3. French Immersion: Livre accordéon
4. Spirit of Christmas: Toothbrush
Posted: November 19, 2019
1. Read - Lecture
2. Student lead conference Friday
3. Toothbrush
4. Book Fair and School Clothing for Sale
5. Mme Kenny's Math: 15 minutes of online Math
6. Francais: Livre accordéon
Posted: November 14, 2019
1. Read - Lecture
2. Madame Kenny's Math : 15 minutes of Math homework
3. Mme Brown's Math : Ready for N4 test
4. Toothbrush for Spirit of Christmas
5. Mémo
6. Book order due the 27th
Posted: November 13, 2019
Posted: November 5, 2019
1. Lecture - Read
2. Phys Ed Clothes
3. No school Friday or Monday
Posted: November 4, 2019
1. Read and Lecture
2. Practice Music performance
3. Science Fair (French)
Posted: November 4, 2019