Mrs. Cormier

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 9, 2014

Language Arts - Reading 20 minutes (All classes)French - Lecture en francais pour 15 minutes et page 2 pour verbe avoirMaths - Devoir de la semaine pour vendredi**Girls' soccer try-out tomorrow**Boys' soccer try-out (second half) on ThursdayHave a FISHY night!   

Posted: September 8, 2014

Language Arts - Read 20 minutes (All classes)Francais - Fini l'activite de "mot de famille" (6-3)PIF - Finish "Days of the week" activity (6-1 and 6-2)**Girls' Soccer Try-Outs Monday and Wednesday**Boys' Soccer Try-Outs Tuesday and ThursdayHave a FISHY night! 

Posted: September 5, 2014

Language Arts (All class with Mrs. Cormier) - Read for 20 minutes at least once this week-end.Any unsigned forms need to be signed and returnedStudent fee $25Phys. Ed. on Monday Have a FISHY week-end!

Posted: September 4, 2014

Language Arts - Read 20 minutes (Grade 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 8-1 and 8-2)Maths - Review what was covered in class today (6-3)Phys. Ed. tomorrow for 6-3 - need a change of clothingMeet the new principal gathering tomorrow from 2 - 3 in the inner court.  ALL family members welcome :-) Hope you had a FISHY day!

Posted: September 4, 2014

Language Arts - Read for 20 minutes (This should be 4 times per week from a book of choice.  Books are available to select from school and can be brought home.Shop - An in-class writing assignment has started (work will be done in class but may need to be completed at home as the due date nears) Due: September 17thStudent Fee - $25 ($40 Family)Return signed information sheets sent home on first dayHave a FISHY day! 

Posted: September 2, 2014

- Student Fee $25 ($40 for family)- Sign and return sheets stapled in agenda- Phys. Ed. clothing needed for Friday (Day 3)- Novel (if none home can be chosen from school)- Check out school website**Girls interested in soccer try-outs have practice tomorrow at 3 - 4:30 and boys interested in soccer try-outs will have practice on Thursday from 3 - 4:30 (Drives must be arranged ahead of time).**2-3 Activity sign-up will take place on Thursday from 2-3.Have a FISHY evening :-) 

Posted: September 1, 2014

Welcome to all Green Grade 6 students.  The Green Team teachers (and everyone else) is SUPER excited to meet you and see you tomorrow on your first day of school.  Have a great night's sleep.  See you soon and hope you have a FISHtastic first day!
