
Posted: April 11, 2017

Tuesday, April 18th from 3 PM - 5 PM.

Students are invited to join in some STEM fun at SMS.  During this time, students will explore Scratch as an arcade game building platform and use a Makey Makey to design a game controller.  The activity will take place in Mme. McLellan's room.  Please register for this event at the following link.

Registration link:

Posted: April 3, 2017

The Rotary Interact students launched their startup business on March 29, 2017 with the residents at the Southern Comfort Villa.  The group, with the help of the seniors at the Villa, will be making and selling dog biscuits to the general public.  A date hasn't been set yet as to when the biscuits will become available for purchase; however, the production will take place on Wednesday evenings at the Villa in South Bathurst.

Posted: March 21, 2017

On Friday March 24th Superior will be hosting a school sleepover for the grade 8's. The sleepover begins at 6:00 pm, you must be picked up at 8:00 am on Saturday March 25th, you may only attend if you have already paid 5$. Hope to see you there!

Posted: February 28, 2017

NEW DATE - Tuesday, April 18 from 3 PM to 5 PM.

Superior Middle School students are invited to participate in a STEM activity hosted by our ASDN STEM team.  Students will learn a bit about SCRATCH coding and make a game controller that uses a Makey Makey.

Posted: February 28, 2017

Superior Middle School students are invited to participate in the launch of the Superior STEM Nights hosted by our ASDN STEM team. Our STEM nights will be an opportunity for students to explore STEM in a fun and engaging environment.

Our first STEM Night will take place on Tuesday, March 14th from 5PM to 7PM in Mrs. McLellan’s room.  During this time, students will explore Scratch as an arcade game building platform and use a Makey Makey to design a game controller.

Posted: January 31, 2017

 Good job to the girls SMS team 2 and to the boys SMS basketball team for achieving both SMS banners this weekend!

Posted: December 6, 2016

Thank you to Megan Martell for all of her hard work.  She was recognized by our district education council for volunteering each morning at our breakfast program!


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