Grade Seven Immunization clinic will be held for SMS students on June 17th. Please contact Mrs. Brown at to schedule an appointment or send a private message to our SMS facebook page.
Great to see so many innovative solar ovens by our students. This weeks featured solar oven is that of Katie P. A grade 6 student who cooked up her own cheesy nachos. This weeks art challenge is posted on our facebook page.
Some excellent Art Challenge submissions last week! Thank you to all who participated! Our featured submission was that of Nathan A. a grade 8 student at SMS. for the full photo please visit our facebook page or take a look at our Image Gallery on this page. This weeks Facebook challenge is a solar oven STEM activity. Go check it out!
Congratulations to all students who participated in our windmill STEM challenge last week. Our highlighted windmill belongs to Tristan in grade 8. Don't forget to participate in our Art Challenge this week on Facebook.
Tristan's video can be viewed below or on our Facebook Page!
The PowerPoint presentation given to parents on June 1st, 2018 can be found in the documents section of this website. The link to documents can be found in the menu bar in the header section.