Thunder Dragons Gr. 8

Thunder Dragons!

Posted: May 18, 2022

Remember to write the DATE, Slide number, and Question numbers clearly and neatly in your notebooks.

Posted: April 27, 2022

Be sure to write the DATE, SLIDE NUMBER, And SPECIFIC QUESTION NUMBER in your notes!

File n5_ratios_-_les_rapports_1.pptx2.07 MB

Posted: April 15, 2022

PDF icon pratique_et_aller_plus_loin_ss2.pdf1.84 MB

Posted: April 10, 2022

File april_2022_ss2_interior_angles.pptx1.79 MB

Carefully and neatly record your work for each slide into your notebook. Make sure to write the date, page or slide number. Don't forget to write the Question number as well!

PDF icon ss2_constructing_angles.pdf508.23 KB

Posted: April 4, 2022

See your teacher for the Lesson 4 Worksheet and the journal question when you are ready.

PDF icon partie_4_tracer_les_angles.pdf837.96 KB

Posted: March 30, 2022

PDF icon document18.pdf99.2 KB

Posted: March 30, 2022

This is Part 2 of the PowerPoint on Angles

PDF icon partie_2_angles_mars_2022.pdf512.05 KB

Posted: March 28, 2022

This is a review of what we began in December and a continuation of the unit. Please review these pages at home.



PR7 Solving Equations
PR 6
PPT 4 Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers